Helpful Hints for Residency Interviews

Residency interviews can be nerve racking, but if you go to them prepared ahead of time, then maybe you will be a little less nervous (or maybe not!). Do a little research on the program by going to their website and looking at what they have to offer and the doctors that work there. You never know who may be sitting in on your interview, so read everyone’s “about me” section and try to figure out what their specific optometry interest is; maybe you have something in common that you can bring up to chat about.

Now, you also need to think about what to wear. We all know it is important to wear nice, crisp, clinic attire (not wrinkled from being packed in your suit case) but let’s take it a step further and add another element to your outfit. You could wear one lapel pin on your blazer to be a possible talking point if THEY mention it, or you could research the practice or school’s colors and add a small pop of that color to your outfit.  A word of warning: don’t deck yourself out in their theme colors like it’s spirit night at your favorite sporting event; keep it simple and subtle.  

Next, let’s talk about the actual interview. Be prepared to answer some general questions about yourself. Practice a response beforehand with a friend so you are not sitting there trying to think about how to respond during the interview. Make sure to talk about your special interests and what makes you unique and best suited for the position versus someone else. If you can, bring something that you can leave with them with that sets you apart. For example I brought a copy of my latest article. I understand not everyone has written articles, but you could bring a copy of your research or a relevant case report that you wrote and are proud of. It’s even better if it’s something related to that specialty.   

During the interview it’s possible you could be asked some optometry- related questions or go over cases and ask you how you would approach that a particular case. Most of the time, they just want to see how you think through things; they understand that you will be nervous during the interview. They could ask to watch you perform a specific optometry skill (worse case scenario-- you have to do 3 mirror gonio with 4 published doctors breathing over your shoulder! OK, so I doubt that will happen, but the whole point is to be prepared) or to identify some diseases through pictures. Just be ready for any possibility.

Make sure you have a list of questions for the residency director and the residents as well. It is never good when they ask if you have any questions to say “no.” Below is a list of some general questions, written by past resident of ICO and past  Treasurer of AOSA, Jessilin Quint, to help you prepare.

Possible questions from the interviewer:

1.     Tell me about yourself.

2.     Why do you want to pursue a residency?

3.     How did you become interested in this particular residency program?

4.     What are your career and personal goals?

5.     Tell me about your rotation/internship experiences.

6.     Tell me about the types of cases you managed.

7.     Tell me about your hobbies. How do you spend your free time?

8.  What questions do you have for me?

Questions to ask the residents:

1.    What do you think of the overall program? Are you still happy with how

it turned out?

2.    What are some pros and cons that you've experienced?

3.    Which is your favorite site (if the residency you are applying to

has multiple locations)?

4.    What are the typical patient demographic/conditions that you are treating?

5.   Do you have a lot of freedom with your patients?

6.    Do you have any didactic responsibilities outside of clinic?

7.    How do you like the overall area in terms of the living and social environment?

Questions for you to ask the faculty:

1.    What type of opportunities do the residents go to from here?  Do

they go into private practice, VA/hospitals, academia?

2.     How many patients do the residents see by the end of their residency?

3.    Is there a journal club/literature review?

4.    Can the resident integrate their own specific interests into the

residency program? (How much flexibility is there?)


Since you will be super prepared the interview will go smoothly; a day or two after the interview send a hand written thank you note to the interviewer for taking the time to get to know you and answer any questions you might have had.

Good luck!